S corp Basics
Why choose an S-Corp, rules, electing an S-Corp, late elections (I wanted to be an S-Corp but didn't file the paperwork), where to register the S-Corp, S-Corp downsides
11 Min - Overview
S corp cash flow
Cash Flow Worksheet - https://c2694dd9-62e8-44d2-8126-96acc5a83a3d.filesusr.com/ugd/491954_234f3cf97572447cb3f2c24d9f898304.xlsx?dn=Monthly%20cash%20flow%20worksheet.xlsx
Paying yourself payroll is an important part of the S-Corporation. It's also the #1 reason that S-Corp's get audited by the IRS, so you want to make sure you do it right. The profit of the business is not taxed social security and medicare, but your wages are.
S-Corp Reasonable Compensation
Action Items:
1. Fill out the RC Worksheet (below) and submit to us. Be sure to track your # of hours spent on each task, or the percentage of time spent performing tasks relative to your total time spent working.
2. Receive the completed RC report and file it
3. Draft a corporate resolution to set the R.C. to the amount shown on the aforementioned report.
4. Decide the frequency of pay and setup payroll (see payroll page)
Rinse and repeat yearly
R.C. Corporate Minutes - https://c2694dd9-62e8-44d2-8126-96acc5a83a3d.filesusr.com/ugd/491954_57e587e0a3e94e3ba4b05ef50d1573d5.docx?dn=RC%20Corporate%20Minutes.docx
S Corp Accountable plan
Accountable Plan Monthly Reimbursement
Accountable Plan Sample
Enhanced-Expense-Report-Vehicle-Reimbursement (2)
Expense Report
Choosing a business entity/ structure
LLC Vs. Corp Vs. S-Corp
The "Core 4" - the easiest, quickest way to get started with your clients with tax planning
It doesn't require a lot of time or money to set up, and there's never a net cash loss with these 4.
1. S-Corp
2. 14 day rental
3. Hire kids
LLC / S Corp State Registration
Choosing the right business entity
The "Core 4" - the easiest, quickest way to get started with your clients with tax planning
It doesn't require a lot of time or money to set up, and there's never a net cash loss with these 4.
1. S-Corp
2. 14 day rental
3. Hire kids
Rent your Home
Rent your home to your Corporation, up to $14,000/yr tax free!
Using your dining room as a conference room for a monthly business meeting can save you thousands on your taxes.
Hire Kids (Family)
Rent your home to your Corporation, up to $14,000/yr tax free!
Using your dining room as a conference room for a monthly business meeting can save you thousands on your taxes.
A (MERP / HRA) with an S-Corp
Rent your home to your Corporation, up to $14,000/yr tax free!
Using your dining room as a conference room for a monthly business meeting can save you thousands on your taxes.
13 Easy Tax & Money Saving Tips for 2018 Year End Tax Savings
Business owners- 13 Easy Tax & Money Saving Tips for 2018 Year End Tax Savings! - not tax advice - consult your tax professional
Retirement Accounts - IRA vs 401k -
With Edin Cuskovic, EA, CFA
Time Management Techniques
Eisenhower Matrix - Make time to take care of important things
As tax pros, we constantly have things coming at us all the time. Utilizing the Eisenhower Matrix will help you block out the time to do the important (but not urgent) things that will help you grow yourself and your business grow successfully.
Boomerang for Gmail: Scheduled sending and email reminders